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Bonds: making a comeback?

Bonds: making a comeback?

# Financial Markets      

In the last two years, bond markets have been more volatile than at any point since the 2008 financial crisis. Our experts decipher the rise in bond interest rates and its impact on your investments, within a diversified portfolio.

Inheritance planning is increasingly complex
# Wealth Planning      

Inheritance planning is increasingly complex

How to transfer wealth is a major concern for most high-net-worth families. There are a whole range of factors to consider if families want to protect or grow their assets, keep a family business going and avoid tax pitfalls. Claude Medernach, Legal Counsel Key Clients, and Anne-Lise Grandjean, Tax & Estate Planner, talk to us about what is at stake.

Why sustainability is so central to corporate strategy. Interview with Charles Sunnen
# Business      

Why sustainability is so central to corporate strategy. Interview with Charles Sunnen

Banque de Luxembourg is holding a series of workshops to mobilise companies and business leaders and help them address the pressing challenges of sustainable development. Interview with Charles Sunnen, Corporate Advisor, to discuss this initiative.

Disposal of estate in favour of grandchildren: the options under French law
# Wealth Planning      

Disposal of estate in favour of grandchildren: the options under French law

As life expectancy increases and people live longer, adult children may inherit from their parents at a point when they have already built up their own wealth and assets. Often, they no longer really need their parents’ entire estate. The grandchildren, on the other hand, may well have needs in the here and now (to fund university studies or buy their ...


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